
Simão dos Anjos Gouveia

dos Anjos Gouveia

Simão dos Anjos de Gouveia (1580?-1622?) studied with Manuel Mendes in the cloister of the Cathedral of Évora, having joined the Order of S. João Evangelista shortly afterwards. Around 1600 he succeeded Pedro Talésio in the position of chapel master at the Hospital de Todos-os-Santos in Lisbon. In March 1611, he ran for the position of Lente de Música at the University of Coimbra, which had been vacated by the death of Pedro Correia, who had held the position from 1594 until his death in 1610. Simão dos Anjos was responsible for the music in the church of S. João Baptista de Tomar, with royal sponsorship, until 1622. Only four works by this composer are currently known.