João Pedro
João Pedro Cachopo (1983-) studied Musicology and Philosophy in Lisbon, Paris, and Berlin, earning a PhD in Philosophy from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in 2011 with a dissertation on Theodor W. Adorno’s aesthetics. He currently teaches in the Department of Musicology at NOVA, Lisbon, and coordinates the Opera Studies Research Cluster at the Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM). His work spans the fields of musicology, philosophy, critical theory, and film and media studies with a focus on issues of intermediality, remediation, performance, spectatorship, and criticism. He is broadly interested in the relationship between aesthetics and politics; the interrelations of the arts and media; and in concepts of avant-garde, modernism, and postmodernism. He was a visiting scholar at the Universität Potsdam (2008), Université Paris 8 (2009), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2010), University of Durham (2012), and Columbia University in the City of New York (2015). Between 2017 and 2019, he was a Marie SkLodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Chicago.