
Christine Wassermann Beirão

Wassermann Beirão

Christine Wassermann Beirão, born in Berlin, Germany, studied at the University of the Arts in Berlin. She did her Masters in Musical Sciences at the Technical University of Berlin and her doctorate “magna cum laude” in Musical Sciences at the University of the Arts. She was professor at the University of the Arts in Berlin. She participated as a scientific assistant in the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft project “The Work of Olivier Messiaen and its consequences for contemporary music”. For a decade, she was director of the music section at the Guardini Foundation in Berlin, a foundation that carries out interdisciplinary projects in the triangle Contemporary Arts – Sciences – Faith. In addition to articles for specialized magazines, she has written texts for concert programs by the Berliner Philharmonic Orchestra and Casa da Música in Porto, among others, and for several CDs. From 2009 to 2015, he had a post-doctoral fellowship from the FCT, with the project “Portuguese composers of the first half of the 20th century and the birth of a national style”, hosted first by CITAR / Universidade Católica do Porto and then by CESEM / Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where she continues as an associate researcher.

Books from Christine Wassermann Beirão

Glosas 23
